In an age of strife and conflict, meditation and spiritual practice are even more important as a way to achieve peace within ourselves and with other people. A Buddhist master of the highest degree, Venerable Geshe Kunchok, will visit Cincinnati in September 2023 to share ways to find peace and happiness under all circumstances. These ancient methods are practical and helpful for our busy, modern lives. Ven. Geshe Kunchok travels the world offering Buddhist teachings in places such as Mongolia, India, and throughout Europe.
Ven. Geshe Kunchok joined the Gaden Monastic University at the age of 11, and after 20 years of rigorous study of Buddhist philosophy, he received the Geshe degree; this is the highest honor in Buddhist studies. He has studied with more than 22 masters and scholars, some of the most revered Buddhist teachers of our era. Ven. Geshe Kunchok travels the world offering Buddhist teachings in places such as Mongolia, India, and throughout Europe.
Event: Introduction to the Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy
Date: Sept. 8, 2023 (Friday) 7 p.m.
Geshe Kunchok will offer a concise overview of the essential topics of the Buddhist philosophies for the beginners interested in exploring the Buddhism.
Event: Cittamani (Green) Tara Empowerment
Date: Sept. 9, 2023 (Saturday) 2 p.m.
Tara is Buddha is female aspect and also knows as mother of all Buddhas. There are 21 Taras of different colors. Green Tara is known for compassion, overcoming fears, and generosity – this initiation serves as an “introduction” to Cittamani Tara.
Event: How to Meditate, the Practice of Compassion and Loving Kindness (Bodhicitta), and the Five Paths of the Bodhisattva
Date: Sept. 10, 2023 (Sunday) 10 a.m.
By learning how to calm our minds with a simple meditation practice, we can bring harmony to mind, body, and spirit. This class will include an overview of the practice of bodhicitta – acting with loving kindness and compassion, in addition to the paths of the bodhisattva to inform and guide meditation.
Location: ALL events are at GSL Monastery – 3046 Pavlova Drive – Cincinnati 45251
Cost: All teachings are offered free of charge however, donations are appreciated to help defray costs. Dress code: casual comfortable for sitting.
For more information, directions or other details, please email